Injured at work

Workplace accidents in San Antonio and Texas are extremely common. It’s easy to take action when an injury is caused by something like malfunctioning equipment, lack of protective gear, or inadequate training. However, what should you do if a coworker’s negligence has caused your injury? Before getting to that discussion, we’ll look at how these other types of work accidents are usually handled.

  Injuries Caused By Heavy Objects Or Malfunctioning Equipment

Malfunctioning or mismanagement of equipment can cause injuries. Such incidents can cause bone damage or fractures, amputations, internal injury, etc. These incidents are more common in factories or construction spots where there is a wide usage of heavy machinery and equipment. Hence, these spots require employees to undergo safety training and follow certain protocols to keep them safe. In this type of case, we’ll look at state and federal safety standards, OSHA requirements, and the injury scene to determine what violations and acts of negligence caused the injury.

Injuries Caused By Falling Or Slipping

In places like construction sites, falling from heights due to the handling of heavy material is very common. If the ladders of scaffolds are not firmly secured, it might increase the chances of falling, leading to severe injuries.  There is also a lot of debris and cement in such places, which might make slipping and falling obvious. Hence, necessary precautions must be taken for the safety of employees. We look to see who was responsible for securing the worksite or equipment involved and where they failed to make it safe.


If an employee or worker puts a strain on the body beyond their limits, it can cause physical and mental stress. If there is work that involves repetitive motions without any time for rest, long-term effects on the body are possible. The vulnerable ones include employees who spend the entire day on computers or engage in repeated lifting and carrying heavy objects in factories. These accidents account for more than 33% of all work accidents.

What To Do If You Are Injured Because Of A Coworker?

The first thing to do is seek medical attention, file a police or work injury report, and make notes of who was there, what happened, and how it happened. It’s even better if you can take pictures or videos that support your claim. All the medical bills should also be preserved to provide evidence. Also, it is best to inform the employer about the accident as soon as possible. You should hire a workplace injury lawyer to protect your legal rights against your employer and their insurance carrier. An experienced San Antonio personal injury lawyer will be able to guide you through the process to achieve the best possible outcome.

Don’t hesitate to start your claim. After a workplace injury, it’s important that we investigate as soon as possible. All employees and employers must follow safety protocols. If these measures are not followed, work accidents are bound to happen. We want to collect and preserve evidence as soon as possible.  If you were injured in a workplace accident, our skilled lawyers at Ronald A. Ramos P.C. will work to get you back on the path to physical and financial recovery. Visit our website or give us a call for a free consultation.

Law Offices of Ronald A. Ramos, P.C.,
Address: 40 NE Interstate 410 Loop #102 San Antonio TX 78216,
Phone: (210) 308-8811