According to a report from, a Texas worker was killed in a construction accident in suburban Houston. Witnesses to the accident stated that two construction workers were loaded into a box which was hoisted up with a forklift. The workers were working on the second story of an apartment building when the box fell. One worker managed to escape into an open window, but the second worker was tragically killed in the fall. Construction projects can be incredibly dangerous if proper care is not taken. If you have been injured at construction job site, you need to speak to an experienced San Antonio work injury attorney immediately.

Forklifts Cause Many Workplace Injuries

Forklifts are very common sights on construction sites, in warehouses and even in the backrooms of department stores. Due to the fact that they are so common, many people underestimate the dangers associated with using a forklift. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has done extensive research on the risks posed by forklifts and other powered industrial trucks. According to their data, over 100 people are killed on the job in forklift accidents each year. Thousands more suffer very serious injuries. The vast majority of serious forklift accident injuries occur for one of four reasons:

  • The forklift overturns;
  • The forklift hits another worker who is on foot;
  • The forklift crushes a worker; or
  • A victim falls from a forklift.

What Should I Do After a Work Injury?

You need to protect your legal rights. If you have been injured on the job, here the first three steps that you should take:

  • Report the injury to your supervisor: Texas requires that injured workers report their issue to the appropriate supervisor. If you wait too long to file a report, you could potentially put your right to recover workers’ compensation, or file an injury lawsuit, at risk. As soon as an injury occurs, you should tell your supervisor. If anyone tries to intimate you into not reporting an on the job injury, call an attorney immediately.
  • Seek medical attention: Certainly, seeking professional medical help is important for your health, but it is also critical for legal reasons. The medical documentation will be needed to make a successful injury claim. Proper documentation will make it much easier to recover the compensation you deserve. Do not try to ‘tough’ out a work injury, get yourself checked out.
  • Consult with an attorney: Work injury cases can be complex. An experienced attorney should comprehensively review your individual situation, so that every possible path for recovery can be explored. Beyond workers’ compensation, you might need to bring a work injury lawsuit against your employer or against a third party. It depends entirely on the individual circumstances of your injury.

Contact Our Office Today

If you have been injured in a forklift accident, or you suffered any other type of workplace injury, you need to speak to an experienced work injury attorney today. Contact our San Antonio office today at (210) 308-8811 to schedule your free initial legal consultation.