The Sun-Times reports that a local motorcyclist was hospitalized with a broken leg last week, after he was in an accident in the northeastern part of Bexar County. The crash took place shortly before midnight. Accordingly to highway authorities, the cause of the accident was the driver of another car turning directly in front of the bike. Full sized cars merging in front of motorcycles, without realizing the motorcycle is there, is a very common cause of motorcycle accidents. If you have been injured on a bike, you should contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible.

Motorcyclists Often Get Unfairly Blamed

Motorcycle accidents, like the accident in this case are not at all uncommon. Somewhat ironically, motorcyclists often get stereotyped as thrill seeking risk takers. But, in reality, extensive data from a Governor’s Highway Safety Association report makes it clear that the majority of multi car accidents involving a motocycle are caused by the negligence of the other driver. In other words, it is the drivers of full sized vehicles that are causing the damage in most of these accidents. The report cites a fairly straightforward reason for this phenomenon; drivers of cars and trucks simply too often fail to even notice the presence of a motorcycle. Every driver on the road owns a duty of care to every other person on the road. Drivers of full sized vehicles must get better at sharing the road with bikers.

Damages Are Available to Motorcycle Accident Victims

The nature of motorcycles creates a higher risk for injury when accidents occur. Injuries on bikes have the potential to be extremely serious. Unsurprisingly, in a collision between a motorcycle in a car, like the one mention in the Sun-Time article, the biker will often sustain the most serious of the injuries. If an injury is caused by the negligence of another party, that injured party is legally entitled to substantial compensation. This compensation can include:

  • Recovery for all medical expenses;
  • Compensation for current and future lost wages;
  • Damages for pain and suffering; and
  • Potentially, punitive damages.

Ultimately, an injured motorcyclist deserves fair compensation for the full extent of their injuries. After an accident, figuring the exact amount and types of compensation which you will be eligible for, is very fact specific. A personal injury attorney with experience working with motorcycle accident victims should comprehensively review your case as soon as possible.

Contact An Experienced San Antonio Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Bikers seldom fit the reckless and risky stereotype that society tries to put on them. This case fits in well with extensive government data proving time and time again that motorcyclists are more likely to be the victims of negligent driving by cars and trucks than vice versa. At the Law Offices of Ronald A. Ramos we completely understand that motorcyclists are just as safety conscious and careful as the rest of the motorists on the road. The legal rights of bikers must be protected and we have decades of experienced fighting for the rights of injured accident victims. If you have been injured while on a bike, please do not hesitate to contact our office today to speak to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer.