The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) recently released a new rule regarding working in confined spaces on construction sites. OSHA is a federal agency that is tasked with the enforcement of national health and safety laws. The agency has an important role in making sure that employers provide their employees with safe and secure working conditions. Job site injuries are still a major national problem. This is especially true in the state of Texas, which leads all large states in annual per capita workplace injuries. If you have been injured on the job you have important legal rights and you should speak to a workplace injury attorney near you immediately to ensure you do not lose those rights.

Confined Spaces on Construction Sites can be Dangerous

Construction work can be very dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken. One of the potentially dangerous tasks for construction workers is working in the confines of a very tight space. OSHA has determined that many serious injuries occur every year due to failure to take proper precautions when workers are forced into small spaces. OSHA’s projections estimate that the new regulation will eliminate approximately 800 serious injuries each year.

What does the New Rule Require?

The new confined spaces rules require additional permitting to make sure that construction companies are up to the task of protecting worker safety in confined spaces. This permitting requires things like advanced atmospheric testing and the express written approval of a qualified engineer. This will make sure that the confined space is reasonably safe for worker entry and exit. Some similar regulations already exist in other sectors, like manufacturing, and it is good that OSHA is now pushing greater oversight for the construction industry as well. One piece of the new rule that is specific to the construction industry, is a requirement that different contractors on the site must communicate with each other regarding confined space safety. This is critical on construction sites, because modern construction job sites are extremely complex and often include many different contractors and subcontractors. If have been injured in a confined space on a construction site, talking to an experienced San Antonio work injury lawyer is strongly advised. An attorney can determine the next step that you should take.

Contact An Experienced San Antonio Work Injury Attorney

Worker safety is of the utmost importance. Your employer is legally required to provide you with safe and secure working conditions. If you have been injured on the job due to your employer’s failure to protect your health and safety, you need to contact an experienced workplace injury lawyer. A qualified attorney can make sure that your rights are protected and that you receive full and fair compensation. At the Law Offices of Ronald A. Ramos, we have spent decades protecting the rights of Texas workers. Time is of the essence in a work injury case, do not put your legal rights at risk. Call our office today, or contact us online to set up a free consultation.