reported on a very tragic accident in which pedestrian was killed after being struck by a car in north San Antonio. The accident occurred in the 12600 block of Blanco Road, at around six thirty in the morning. According to reporting, police stated that they did not believe alcohol was a factor in the accident and the driver was not expected to be charged. It is important to remember how dangerous cars can be for pedestrians. If you, or your loved one, was injured as a pedestrian in a car accident, contact an experienced San Antonio car accident attorney to discuss your legal options.

Establishing Liability in Pedestrian Accidents

From the moment every driver first gets a license, they are taught to yield to pedestrians. Therefore, it seems reasonable to think that establishing liability would be a little easier for injured pedestrians. In reality, of course, it is never so straightforward. Texas does not give pedestrians the automatic right of way. Additionally, insurance companies will never make it easy, they always attempt to shift as much of the blame as possible onto another party whenever an opportunity arises. This includes attempting to shift fault onto an injured pedestrian. If you have been injured as a pedestrian, you will still need to establish negligence to recover compensation for your injuries. A car accident attorney with deep understanding of Texas law can investigate your case and determine how to proceed.

Compensation for an Injured Pedestrian

Pedestrian injuries have a high potential to be extremely serious, and are often catastrophic. An injured pedestrian is eligible for several types of compensation:

  • Complete recovery for all medical expenses;
  • Recovery for past, current, and future lost wages;
  • Compensation for the costs of all necessary physical therapy and rehabilitation; and
  • Pain and suffering.

Recovery of damages can become extremely complicated for injured pedestrians. The assistance of a qualified attorney is always advised. There is simply too much at stake to go it alone against a well staffed insurance company. In some cases an injured pedestrian’s own insurance may bear some of the cost, while in other cases it may be entirely on the insurance company of the driver. Determining who pays is always sharply contested and it depends entirely on the specifics of the case. You need an attorney through the entire process because if you, as an injured pedestrian, are deemed to be at fault for an unfair percentage of the accident, that will reduce your recovery. In Texas, it might even eliminate your recovery.

Contact An Experienced San Antonio Car Accident Attorney

Receiving full and fair compensation for injuries from a car accident is always a challenge. This is even true for a pedestrian who was hit while merely crossing a road at a totally appropriate time. Insurance companies will attempt to limit their own liability, which comes directly out of your pocket. An experienced San Antonio car accident attorney will ensure that you are treated fairly. If you have any questions about pedestrian car accidents, contact the Law offices of Ronald A. Ramos today to schedule a consultation.